“What is a weekend?” This is the infamous question once posed by treasure Maggie Smith. Well,…
Things to Do

11 Inspiring Art Exhibits in San Francisco Right Now
Gwyneth Paltrow has recently been spotted checking out San Francisco’s art scene, and so should…

San Francisco Weekend Guide: April 21st – April 23rd
TGIF! This weekend is filled with music, tributes, celebrations, and fantastic showcases. Whether you party…

San Francisco Weekend Guide: April 14 – April 16
Like the rest of 2017, this week has been a weird one. Scorpions are flying…
Eggcellent Easter: A Guide to Easter in San Francisco
Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter egg joke? Because it might crack up. Easter Sunday…

San Francisco Weekend Guide: April 7 – April 9
This week was filled with mind-blowing events: UNC took home the NCAA Men’s basketball championship title, Nikki…

The SF Must List: What to Do in San Francisco April 2017
Think you’ve seen everything in San Francisco? Don’t be an April fool! From Snoop Dogg…

San Francisco Weekend Guide: March 31 – April 2
Sunshine, sunshine, you bright, warm, gorgeous thing. Spring is finally here, SF Guide-ers! After weeks…

The SF Must List: What to Do in San Francisco March 2017
Are you bored in San Francisco? You shouldn’t be! The City is booked with a…

Sail Forward into Spring with San Francisco Sailing Company
Don’t just spring forward–sail forward. Yes, the ship has sailed for winter and it’s time…

San Francisco Weekend Guide: March 17 – 19
Happy St. Patrick’s Day SF Guide-ers, we’re experiencing a beautiful Friday in San Francisco today!…

The Ultimate Guide to San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park
Sandwiched between San Francisco’s Richmond and Sunset Districts, Golden Gate Park was once a desolate land…

7 Ways to Get Fit Without a Gym in San Francisco
Standard gyms are gray, in every sense of the color. They are riddled with the…

San Francisco Weekend Guide: March 10-12
This weekend arrives with a bunch of great news: Game of Thrones has dropped the release…

San Francisco Weekend Guide: March 3-5
We hate to put a damper on your weekend plans, but after a week of…

San Francisco Weekend Guide: February 24-26
Make the most of your weekend (and the sunny weather) with our top picks of…